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Everything Bundle


(PDFs only)

A Thousand Thousand Islands — in a single bundle.

This bundle is a discounted package that includes all the zines we have made, to date.

Setting zines — small gazetteers that sketch out a single people or place; its needs and desires; its songs; how it relates to itself, and others — are the core of A THOUSAND THOUSAND ISLANDS. They do not come with detailed adventure modules, but they present enough information so you and your players might feel tempted to visit, to find out what these islands are like.

They are:

MR-KR-GR — A river kingdom, ruled by divine crocodiles.
KRACHING — A woodworking community, where cats are holy.
UPPER HELENG — A nomad people, that walks among their gods.
ANDJANG — A highland kingdom, ruled by a fearful queen.
STRAY VIRASSA — An island of sorcerers and the shipwrecked dead.
KORVU — A sea nation,  annually drowned during the rainy season.
NGELALANGKA — A market in the mountains, built on the backs of puppets.
HUNDRED RED SCALE — An archipelago of monitor lizards, where textiles are worship.

We’ve also made appendix zines — notes and images, about specific or random subjects. These are:

DRAWINGS, PART ONE — an assortment of character sketches, without comment.
DRAWINGS, PART TWO — ships and creatures; notes on betel-chewing and fire-making.
HANTU! — essays about Malaysian ghosts, and about living in such a haunted geography.


Other Zines

A river kingdom of haunted ruins, ruled by crocodiles.

Essays and fiction about hantu, the monsters of Malaysian lore.

A valley where cats are holy, and timber haunted.

Pirates, princesses, processions. An art zine, inspired by the SEA.

A forest of wandering nomads and god-guarded borders.

Sea battles, spirit masks, centaurs. An art zine, inspired by the SEA.

A highland kingdom ruled by parasitic royalty.

An island full of sorcerers and shipwrecked souls.

A Thousand Thousand Islands is no longer available on this website.
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A Thousand Thousand Islands is no longer available on this website.
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