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A river kingdom of haunted ruins, ruled by crocodiles.


You come to wide lake, watched by limestone cliffs. Shapes lurk in the water. Shapes wait up ahead.


Riches clog Mr-Kr-Gr’s rivers — but its citizens build neither soaring temple nor palace spire. It is forbidden to set stone upon stone, in Mr-Kr-Gr.

The crocodiles say so. The crocodiles rule, here.

What stone cities exist in Mr-Kr-Gr are overgrown ruins — haunted by corpse-honey hosts; mosquito witches; gods trapped in the prison of their idols.

These old cities are proscribed, also. The crocodiles say so. Doesn’t stop downlander expeditions, though. Old cities are always full of treasure.


Mr-Kr-Gr is an adventure setting inspired by riverine life, the crocodiles of Negeri Sembilan, and the lost cities of Southeast Asia. A rules-less, 44-page gazetteer filled with characters, locations, and detailed black-and-white art. Random NPC, encounter, and magic-crocodile generators.



“It’s less a setting book or module, and more a work of sublime poetry. A world visualized in sparse words and phrases and drawings. I can’t remember the last time I felt this connected to a game world, and yet it’s so short it can be read in half an hour.”
– Tomer G, The Gauntlet Blog

“Wonderful illustrations, incredibly evocative, and very specific — you feel like this place is real.”
– Ben Milton, Questing Beast

“… using these tables and just by taking a cue from the simple descriptions given, a Game Master could easily create encounters and scenario ideas, even straight from the page during play.”
– Pookie, Reviews From R’lyeh

Other Zines

A river kingdom of haunted ruins, ruled by crocodiles.

Essays and fiction about hantu, the monsters of Malaysian lore.

A valley where cats are holy, and timber haunted.

Pirates, princesses, processions. An art zine, inspired by the SEA.

A forest of wandering nomads and god-guarded borders.

Sea battles, spirit masks, centaurs. An art zine, inspired by the SEA.

A highland kingdom ruled by parasitic royalty.

An island full of sorcerers and shipwrecked souls.

A Thousand Thousand Islands is no longer available on this website.
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A Thousand Thousand Islands is no longer available on this website.
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