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Siam: A Handbook of Practical, Commercial, and Political Information

Came across a post on Facebook by Wisawut Buroot (sharing this so you can follow his posts yourselves too) of this book:

Siam: a handbook of practical, commercial, and political information, 1913 by Walter Armstrong Graham.

It’s on Archive.org too, the link is >>here<<

I’ve downloaded the book’s images, resized them smaller, zipped it up and you can download it >>here<<  (91 images, 45mb, please note that I had issues uploading and the only one that was successfully uploaded is titled “copy.zip“)

Here are some of my favourite images from the series.

A very general conception is that mainland Southeast Asia is more agrarian while the Islands parts of SEA are more maritime/trade oriented but water/rivers/trade are all very important parts of life in mainland SEA.

Look at the number of elephants and how thick the pillar/fence is.


Text by Mun Kao. This post was originally published on December 17, 2021 on the A Thousand Thousand Islands Patreon.

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